
Michael Crawford from Whitley County is employed by SKRECC as a Lead Line Technician. Michael took advantage of the Kentucky Career Center's youth services SCC's Lineman Training program and Financial Aid to deiscover and accomplish his career path.   Listen to Michael's story:


Molly is studying at the University of Kentucky to prepare for medical school, but she didn't know what her career path might be until she recieved a little help and direction from the Kentucky Career Center's Youth Services.  Listen to Molly's story:

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Youth Programs

In-School Youth is as follows:   
An eligible youth who has not yet attained a high school diploma and is attending school.

Out-of-School Youth as follows: 
An eligible youth who is a school dropout; or is an eligible youth who has either graduated from high school or holds a GED, but is basic skills deficient, unemployed, or underemployed.

The following is a list of the Program Elements:

  • Tutoring, Study Skills Training, Instruction, Dropout Prevention Services
  • Alternative Secondary School Services or Recovery Services
  • Work Experiences
  • Occupational Skills Training
  • Education Offered Concurrently with Workforce Preparation and Training for a Specific Occupation
  • Leadership Development Opportunities
  • Supportive Services
  • Adult Mentoring
  • Follow-Up Services
  • Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
  • Financial Literacy Activities
  • Entrepreneurial Skills Training
  • Services that Provide Labor Market Information
  • Postsecondary Preparation and Transition Activities

Career and Technical Education

Career and technical programs are dedicated to preparing young people to manage the dual roles of family member and wage earner. Career and technical programs enable students to gain entry-level employment in a high-skill, high-wage job and/or to continue their education.

The Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) is the professional association for Career and Technical Educators in Kentucky. KACTE members work in all instructional levels of Career and Technical Education (CTE): middle schools, high schools, secondary career and technology centers, technical and community colleges, and universities, as well as at the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Community and Technical College system offices. All CTE program disciplines are represented in KACTE’s membership: administration, agriculture, business, communications, construction, engineering and technology, family and consumer sciences, health sciences, information technology, manufacturing, marketing, pathways to careers, and transportation. Check out our informational videos for further information.

KACTE Parent Video

This is an informational video for parents whose children may be interested in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. The video explains how CTE courses are an exciting learning opportunity that can lead to a successful career. 

KACTE Student Video

This video is for any student who may be interested in pursuing a career pathway by participating in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. CTE courses provide rigorous, and relevant education that is directly linked to a students career interest. Published by the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education.

KACTE Educators Video

This video is for any educator who may be interested learning more about Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. CTE courses provide rigorous, and relevant education that is directly linked to a students career interest. Published by the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education.