The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides financial assistance to economically disadvantaged, special needs populations, and dislocated workers who have lost employment due to technological changes, plant closures, or foreign competition.
WIOA provides assistance with tuition, textbooks, and required supplies. A daily stipend for the use of child care, travel expenses, and other expenses is provided to eligible students. WIOA serves residents of all Kentucky Career Center - Cumberlands counties.
Eligibility is determined by economic and employment status, as well as choice of program. Job placement assistance is offered to all WIOA participants upon completion of occupational training. For additional information and applications, call a Kentucky Career Center – Cumberlands office (listed below) download one of the following forms or check out any of these websites for additional financial assistance.
Adult and Dislocated Workers Application (Word Doc)
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA)