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Ready for Industry® online training available free to registered businesses, individuals

FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 8, 2024) — Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced that Kentuckians seeking to enter the workforce now have free access to a new online learning program to help prepare them for good jobs in several high-demand industries.

Team Kentucky is proud to offer free access to the Ready for Industry® program thanks to $5 million in funding awarded to the Education and Labor Cabinet through a federal Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy and Training (QUEST) grant.

Each Ready for Industry® course is 15-20 hours of instruction designed to help jobseekers understand what it’s like to work in several high-demand industries, like manufacturing, health care, information technology, transportation, distribution and logistics and architecture and construction.

“Our economy is on fire, and Team Kentucky is committed to ensuring the record job growth we are experiencing has a skilled and ready workforce prepared to take on these new opportunities,” said Gov. Beshear. “This program will help many Kentuckians with the skills and knowledge needed to find a good-paying job in our rapidly growing job market.”

Ready for Industry® is designed to prepare individuals seeking work in high-demand industries by teaching them common terminology and workplace practices; career opportunities and job descriptions; current issues and trends; career pathways, education and professional certifications and workplace expectations. Throughout the learning process, participants will also have access to a support team to assist them with any questions or concerns.

Kentucky is only the fifth state in the nation to provide free, statewide access to the program. As a result, businesses, workforce development partners, educational institutions and other organizations across Kentucky are invited to take advantage of this no-cost opportunity to enhance the skill sets of their employees, job candidates and students.

silhouette of employee talking to employer

Employee feedback and reviews are invaluable assets for any successful business. They serve as powerful tools that can drive growth, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Regularly seeking feedback from employees fosters a culture of open communication, making them feel heard and valued.

Feedback provides valuable insights into the company's strengths and areas needing improvement, helping leaders make informed decisions and address concerns promptly. Constructive reviews also aid in identifying and nurturing talent within the organization, encouraging professional growth and development.

Moreover, feedback from employees can lead to enhanced teamwork, increased motivation, and a stronger sense of camaraderie within the workforce. Embracing employee feedback and conducting regular reviews demonstrate a commitment to creating a positive work environment, leading to higher retention rates and a more engaged, productive team. 

Implementing an employee feedback program doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a step-by-step guide to easily set up an effective employee feedback program:

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define the goals of the feedback program. Determine what you want to achieve through employee feedback, whether it's improving employee satisfaction, identifying areas for growth, or enhancing company culture.
  2. Select Feedback Methods: Choose the feedback methods that align with your objectives and company culture. Options include anonymous surveys, one-on-one meetings, suggestion boxes, or digital feedback platforms.
  3. Create Anonymous Channels: To encourage honest feedback, provide employees with the option to share their thoughts anonymously. This way, they can freely express concerns without fear of repercussions.
  4. Schedule Regular Feedback Sessions: Establish a consistent schedule for feedback collection, whether it's monthly, quarterly, or annually. Consistency helps build trust and ensures that issues are addressed promptly.
  5. Use a Mix of Qualitative and Quantitative Questions: Combine closed-ended questions (rating scales) with open-ended questions to gather both quantitative data and qualitative insights.
  6. Keep Surveys Short and Simple: Respect your employees' time by keeping surveys concise and easy to complete. Focus on essential topics and avoid overwhelming them with lengthy questionnaires.
  7. Act on Feedback: The most crucial step is to take action based on the feedback received. Share the results with employees and outline the steps the company will take to address concerns and make improvements.
  8. Encourage Two-Way Communication: Feedback should be a dialogue, not just a one-sided process. Encourage managers to engage in discussions with employees, listen actively, and ask follow-up questions.
  9. Recognize and Appreciate Feedback: Show appreciation for employees who provide feedback, whether it's positive or constructive. Acknowledge their input and thank them for their contributions.
  10. Monitor Progress: Regularly assess the impact of the feedback program. Measure changes in employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention to gauge the program's effectiveness.
  11. Iterate and Improve: Continuously refine the feedback program based on employee suggestions and changing needs. Seek feedback on the feedback process itself to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

By following these steps and demonstrating a genuine commitment to listening and acting on employee feedback, businesses can easily implement a feedback program that fosters a culture of open communication, trust, and continuous improvement.


Cumberlands Workforce Development Area in partnership with the Lake Cumberland Area Development District and the Center for Rural Development facilitated the Regional Hiring Event on Thursday, May 25th. Sam Brown, Chairman of the Cumberland Workforce Development Board visited the hiring event and met with LCADD employee Kristine McCollum, Sandy Birkholz, Shirlene Taylor, Michelle Whitis, Lisa Gosser, Jeric Devore, and Larry Hatfield.

The Cumberland Workforce Development Area stated that Lonnie Lawton, the Center’s CEO, and his staff were extremely helpful and supportive in making this event a great success.

 The event featured 57 employers and approximately 200 job seekers. Several employers reported that they were able to set up interviews and some were actually hired on the spot.

 “Our staff works very hard to serve the needs of the region and I can’t brag on them enough” said Waylon Wright, executive Director of the Lake Cumberland Area Development District. “Also, Sam Brown has done a great job as Chairman of the Cumberlands Workforce Board and Mr. Lawson’s organization is always a great partner for any regional effort.”

Those who are still looking for a job can visit the Facebook page of the Kentucky Career Center - Cumberland to view posts for available jobs. This page is updated daily.

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On November 18th Pulaski County Detention Center hosted its first Pre-Release Class since the Covid 19 Pandemic severely limited re-entry methods in local detention centers.

In collaboration with the Cumberlands Workforce Development Board community resource partners were allowed back inside the detention facility to speak to inmates face to face. In a classroom-style presentation, community partners were able to interact with inmates that were 30/60/90 days from release. Tools and resources for the successful reintegration into society were heard by over 20 inmates. Community Partners were able to tell their story, services they offer, and educate near-release inmates on the services available to assist in gaining employment, workforce training, clothing, medical treatment, housing, furthering their education, and many other resources.

“There’s no shame in taking a hand up. The shameful thing is hearing from all of these people that are willing to go to work to help you achieve success and not utilizing it,” said Aaron Poynter, Director of Reentry Programming. "Being locked up is a speed bump in life, not a roadblock. With all of these tools in front of you, you can make the rest of your life the best of your life.”

The Cumberlands Workforce Development Board and South Central Workforce Development Board's Community Support & Resources and Re-Entry & Transformational Employment divisions have a dedicated staff ready and equipped with valuable resources to assist individuals re-entering the workforce in our region.

Poynter continued “This education is essential in the successful reintegration of individuals. Returning to society from incarceration is difficult, but it can also be the starting point to building a life. We are blessed in this region to have so many organizations and individuals willing to offer that assistance and that hand-up. The essential component of this work is to make sure the individuals who need those resources know about those resources.”


Aaron Poynter to Represent Kentucky in Intensive Regional Leadership Development Program

October 6, 2022, Russell Springs, Kentucky — The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) named Aaron Poynter, Director of Reentry Programming, Cumberlands and South Central Workforce Development Boards, to participate in the 2022-2023 class of the Appalachian Leadership Institute, a free leadership and economic development training opportunity for individuals currently living and/or working in one of ARC’s 13 Appalachian states. The 2022-2023 class comprises a diverse network of professionals representing all 13 Appalachian states and a wide spectrum of perspectives and sectors, including tourism, healthcare, education, civil service, and more.

The nine-month curriculum is anchored by six multi-day seminars across the Appalachian region focusing on each of ARC’s strategic investment priorities, which aim to strengthen economic and community growth in Appalachia. The fourth class will run from October 2022 through July 2023, focusing on skill-building seminars and best practice reviews to prepare fellows to:

  • Design effective economic development project proposals
  • Integrate community assets into long-term economic development strategies
  • Identify resources available to spark economic and community development
  • Locate and access investment capital from a variety of public and private sources
  • Prepare competitive applications for public grant opportunities
  • Use expanded connections and leadership skills to create strong regional partnerships

"Congratulations to the incoming 2022-2023 class of Appalachian Leadership Institute fellows! These leaders are already growing their Appalachian communities and will be even better equipped to drive positive change after their work with this program,” said ARC Federal Co-Chair Gayle Manchin. “I am eager to see this class of fellows collaborate across state lines to set big goals that will help the entire Appalachian region thrive.”

Appalachian Leadership Institute fellows were selected via a competitive application process to reflect the Appalachian region’s wide range of economic development challenges, opportunities, and strategies.

Uaaron poynter 240X317pon completion of the program, Aaron will automatically become part of the Appalachian Leadership Institute Alumni Network, a peer-to-peer working group of experts helping foster collaborative solutions that will build a stronger future for Appalachia.

"It's a blessing to be able to be a part of something like this. I never would have imagined some years ago being able to have this opportunity, and I hope that I'm able to bring back ideas, contacts, and networking to really help our region," said Poynter. "That's why I want to do it is because this is an amazing organization to be affiliated with. Anything I can do to help our region or our state, that's what I'm focused on. I want to be able to share with everybody else the great things that we are doing. I think it's going to be tremendously valuable."

To learn more about the program, visit: To meet the 2022-2023 class of fellows and learn more about how they are working to transform their Appalachian communities, visit:

About the Appalachian Leadership Institute 

The Appalachian Leadership Institute is a comprehensive regional leadership training program developed by the Appalachian Regional Commission in partnership with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville; The Howard H. Baker Center for Public Policy; Tuskegee University; and Collective Impact. Learn more at

About the Appalachian Regional Commission 

The Appalachian Regional Commission is an economic development agency of the federal government and 13 state governments focusing on 423 counties across the Appalachian Region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia to help the Region achieve socioeconomic parity with the nation. Learn more at

Mitch McConnell with Myra Wilson and Aaron Poynter

The Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Monthly Luncheon was held Thursday, August 11th in the Banquet Hall at Campbellsville University with featured speaker U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.

Myra Wilson, Director of Workforce Development for the Cumberlands region, and Aaron Poynter, Director of Re-Entry Programming, spoke with McConnell and offered appreciation for his support of programs delivered by the Cumberlands Workforce Board to our region.

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