Does the Kentucky Career Center charge a fee for services provided to employers?
No. There is no fee to the job seeker or the employer for basic job matching services provided by the Kentucky Career Center. These services are funded from a small portion of the taxes paid by employers pursuant to the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA).
Does the Kentucky Career Center provide any testing?
Yes. The Kentucky Career Center can administer a test to determine a job seeker’s math, reading and language skill levels, and an array of tests which includes typing, data entry, 10-key, grammar and spelling. KCC can also administer an employer’s test.
Does the Kentucky Career Center do drug screening for companies?
No. Due to liability issues connected with drug screening most employers prefer to handle this internally.
Can the Kentucky Career Center provide me with a place to interview applicants?
Yes. Most Kentucky Career Center field offices have space that they can provide to employers on a temporary or occasional basis for interviewing job applicants. Availability may be limited in some offices so check with your nearest location. Career Center Locations
Is recruitment for my job opening performed locally, statewide or nationally?
Generally, recruitment is first performed locally. If no qualified applicants are available locally, then your job opening will be placed on America’s Job Bank, which makes it available to job seekers statewide and nationally. However, the Kentucky Office of Employment & Training (OET) will recruit locally, statewide or nationally according to the employer’s wishes.
Can I file for Unemployment at the Kentucky Career Center?
No, Kentucky Career Center is not part of the Kentucky Unemployment system. Click the link below for information about filing for unemployment. Unemployment Insurance
How does the Kentucky Career Center screen applicants for jobs?
The Kentucky Career Center screens applicants by comparing the minimum requirements of the job opening as established by the employer to the qualifications of job seekers who have registered for work. KCC staff utilize an automated system to assist in the screening process to identify qualified individuals to refer to the employer.
Are job seekers required to apply for jobs if they are drawing Unemployment Insurance?
Unemployment Insurance (UI) recipients are required to be able and available for and to seek and accept offers of “suitable employment.” They are not required to accept jobs that are significantly different in pay or job duties from that to which they are accustomed. However, the definition of “suitable employment” is tenuous and changes as […]
How do I know which Kentucky Career Center office to contact?
Please contact the Kentucky Career Center office nearest you. Please see our listing below: Career Center Locations
Does the Kentucky Career Center charge a fee for services provided?
No. There is no fee to the job seeker or the employer for basic job matching services provided by the Kentucky Career Center. These services are funded from a small portion of the taxes paid by employers pursuant to the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA).